Who We Are

Inflict Joy is the heart of what we do here at elluva, inc. We build and design software interfaces to change the world, and Inflict Joy is more than a motto. It is at the very core of our organization, how we treat each other, and how we want to change the world! To whom much is given, much is required.

Our Mission

Instead of spending traditional marketing dollars on advertising, billboards, and television commercials, we create ideas and events that spread goodwill, and just make people happy. That idea has now grown into an ideal. A way of living, doing business, and our unique way of giving back. It is the Tao of Ella.

Our Symbol

Ella, our baby elephant icon, is symbolic of our aspirations and ambition. Her super hacker secret mission is to care for children in mind, body and health. She is a master hacker (Ruby on Rails and Objective-C), world traveler, fruitarian, and provider of goodwill. We love Ella and we know once you get to know her, you will love her too!


Fast For Joy Day

November, 15 2012

On November 15th, we are kicking hunger in the face by going hungry! This is a galaxy-wide event and anyone can do it!

Hackers Unite

To Be Announced

More info coming soon

Holiday Joy

To Be Announced

More info coming soon


Email Contact


You can also get in touch with Elluva's CEO and share your awesome Inflict Joy ideas at alexsok (at) elluva dot com. He's been known to give away tons of cool Inflict Joy Tees to people who have awesome ideas. For cool swag, you can pick some up at our Etsy shop! We only keep what it costs and donate the rest to charity.

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